We write to Educate people and Inspire Social Transformation.

All about Project A.C.E

All about Project A.C.E

People are  important; our society at large plays a very important role in who we become as people. The society is ever increasing and expanding. It is safe to say that the whole world is a global society due to the advancement of technology, which has seen the...

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The Re-introduction

The Re-introduction

Elevate is back!!!! Well…we were never really gone but we’re like that house from across the street, that was always there but has been restructured, renovated, refurbished and is now the talk of the town! To kick start this new phase, the team thought it best for our...

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All about Project A.C.E

All about Project A.C.E

People are  important; our society at large plays a very important role in who we become as people. The society is ever increasing and expanding. It is safe to say that the whole world is a global society due to the advancement of technology, which has seen the...

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The Re-introduction

The Re-introduction

Elevate is back!!!! Well…we were never really gone but we’re like that house from across the street, that was always there but has been restructured, renovated, refurbished and is now the talk of the town! To kick start this new phase, the team thought it best for our...

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Friday Feature with Abiola Adebiyi

Friday Feature with Abiola Adebiyi

Hello, Abiola. Good Afternoon, how are you today? Hi Izu! Good afternoon, I’m well thank you, and how are you I'm fine, thank you. It is wonderful having you today but before we proceed, can you introduce yourself? My name is Abiola Adebiyi. I’m a Christian, a...

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At Elevate, we are passionate, resilient and committed to building the Nigeria we want to see, starting from the grassroot.

Investing in people’s lives is our way of leaving our impact on the world.

Email: hello@elevateng.net

RC: CAC/IT/123041